Okay…as part of the big New Year resolution push…I went through an issue of Self magazine for inspiration to keep on my fitness routine. It mentioned this Big 5 Personality Survey so I just HAD to take it.
So, if you really want to see the results: Check out my
personality profile!
Quick summary..I appear to be pretty average in the trait of being extroverted and concientiousness.
High in emotional stability and openness and lowest in agreeableness. Hmmm..agreeableness. I’m not sure i even agree with that word!! (heh)
And unwilling to sacrifice myself for others..but, hey..wasn’t that part of my whole Spike response in the Buffy questionnaire??
And, for the record, over the New Year, I also took the What Harry Potter character are you? Quiz. My family was not surprised that I was Hermione.